[rabbitmq-discuss] web interface on two ports and different settings: ssl and non ssl

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed Feb 8 11:05:50 GMT 2012

On 06/02/12 16:35, Massimo Paladin wrote:
> Hello,
> no one has an idea if this is possible?

No, it's not at the moment.

> It would be nice to have such configuration for different reasons:
> - one port without ssl for monitoring access (lightweight, frequent access)
> - one port enforced with ssl for admin access (more secure, data could
> be more sensible)

Hmm. We could add this without too much hassle. Unless you would want to 
ban certain classes of users from connecting without SSL - config for 
that would get messy quickly.

But are you actually finding that the SSL overhead is a big deal? I 
would expect (admittedly without measuring it) that whatever work mgmt 
does to respond to your query would overwhelm the effort involved in 
establishing an SSL connection.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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