[rabbitmq-discuss] Bug: Java ConnectionFactory can hangs forever in network packet loss cases

Ильдар Нурисламов absorbb at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 06:02:13 GMT 2012


We have rabbitMQ 2.7.1 java clients remotely connected to the server.
We started experience short-term bad network scenarios and serious problem
1. factory.setRequestedHeartbeat set to 30s
2. factory.setConnectionTimeout set to 30000ms
client properly closes connection after missing 30 seconds of heartbeats.
But sometimes it hangs completely when tries to open a new connection.

I tried to analyze java client code and what is result:

AMQConnection.java:286 :
          _frameHandler.setTimeout(HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT); - socket.soTimeout
is set to 10s here
then it starts the MainLoop at line 294
and blocks till get a reply for a handshake at line 300:
     connStart =

problem is that it's possible that it'll never get a reply. Because
MainLoop relies on heartbeats functional to handle such situation which is
not enabled yet. It happens only at line 368:
MainLoop endlessly runs at 492:
    Frame frame = _frameHandler.readFrame();
which returns null every 10s (this is how SocketTimeoutException handled in
and handleSocketTimeout() do nothing because _heartbeat is not set yet.

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