[rabbitmq-discuss] Flash Client and RabbitMQ

Marek Majkowski majek04 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 12:13:13 GMT 2012

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 10:58, Jon Hill <jon.hill at comshen.com> wrote:
> I am involved in the development of an online game using Flash as the
> client. We are considering communicating directly with a RabbitMQ
> broker from Flash but are wondering if this is the best approach.
> Should we be considering using WebSockets (and therefore tunneling
> through http with a gateway such as Kaazing in place) because of the
> potential of raw AMQP traffic getting blocked by firewalls?


Using Kaazing is definitely one option.

The alternative is to build a simple server that would forward
WebSockets to AMQP. Things like in Node.js or Python/Tornado
should do.

If you want to use the stream from javascript in browser,
you can take a look at SockJS: http://sockjs.org , which
not only serves native WebSockets but also uses convenient
fallbacks if browser doesn't support websockets or if browser
is behind a corporate proxy.

At the moment we're experimenting with the RabbitMQ to
SockJS bridge as a RabbitMQ plugin. But it's hard to
predict when this will be done.


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