[rabbitmq-discuss] Cathing broker shut down in a consumer

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Thu Dec 27 15:54:09 GMT 2012

On 21/12/12 18:55, CJ wrote:
> Does anyone know how I can catch Exception on sending to queues ?

It's not clear what you are asking here, e.g. why doesn't the code you 
posted previously...

>     In the Sender, I used the following code successfully:
>          while ( numMsgs < maxMsgs ) {
>            try { channel.basicPublish( exchange, queueName,
>                  (persistEnabled) ?
>     MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_TEXT_PLAIN : null,
>                  message.getBytes()); }
>            catch (Exception ex) {
>               System.out.println("--- Connection Broken ---");
>            }

... work?

Perhaps you are asking how to catch errors arising during publishing, 
e.g. attempts to publish to a non-existing exchange. Since publishing is 
asynchronous, those errors will not show up as exceptions of the 
corresponding basicPublish method invocation. You can get hold of the 
errors by registering a ShutdownListener on the connection and channel 
objects with 



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