[rabbitmq-discuss] channel 1 badfun

John Merrells john at merrells.com
Sat Aug 25 00:39:41 BST 2012

We have a two node cluster of RabbitMQ 2.8.6 on Erlang 5.8.5.

Sometimes one of the servers will peg the cpu and messages will
stop passing through the system. We don't have a reliable way of
reproducing this...

But, we do have some curious error reports in the logs. I've read
through rabbit_amqqueue.erl and delegate.erl and I think that
one server is telling the other to execute some function in 
rabbit_amqqueue... but I don't see why that function would be 

Anyone any thoughts on the cpu issue, or this error report?


=ERROR REPORT==== 24-Aug-2012::05:03:41 ===
AMQP connection <0.9427.665>, channel 1 - error:

=WARNING REPORT==== 24-Aug-2012::05:03:41 ===
Non-AMQP exit reason '{{badfun,#Fun<rabbit_amqqueue.28.6260804>},

John Merrells

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