[rabbitmq-discuss] AMQP protocol version mismatch

Paolo MCR paolo.cruciani at gruppomcr.com
Thu Aug 30 11:41:56 BST 2012

Dear Gordon
I thank you very much for your help.
I verified that the port 5672 is actually used by the process qpidd.
I changed the listening port of the RabbitMQ server and the application worked
Thanks again

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 7:35 PM, Gordon Sim <gsim at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 08/29/2012 04:21 PM, Paolo wrote:
>> I tried to do what suggested.
>> Stopping the service
>> "/sbin/service qpidd stop"
>> and restarting RabbitMQ my application gets the error "Connection
>> refused" as shown in the attached file "TomcatErrorLogWithQpiddOFF.**txt"
>> The server notworking as shown in the image file "Server DOWN.jpg"
>> but starting the service qpidd
>> "/sbin/service qpidd start"
>> the error returned is the one shown in the attached file
>> "TomcatErrorLogWithQpiddON.**txt"
>> The server is working properly and it is listening on port 5672as shown
>> in the attached file "Server UP.jpg"
>> I thought that the problem could be related to the version of the client
>> and the server, but is in contradiction with the behavior on ubuntu
>> where it seems to work properly
> I think this confirms that it is qpidd running on 5672. When started you
> get a protocol version error; when stopped there is nothing listening.
> While qpidd is listening on 5672, RabbitMQ will be unable to do so.
> However when you stop qpidd and restart RabbitMQ, it *should* then start
> listening. If it dod not do so, as you indicate above, there may be some
> other configuration error. What do the logs say for RabbitMQ after the
> restart? Any errors or warnings?
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 *Gruppo M**C**R S.r.l.*

*Paolo CRUCIANI***
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