[rabbitmq-discuss] HA queue disappears when a node rejoins the cluster

Francesco Mazzoli francesco at rabbitmq.com
Wed Aug 29 11:56:49 BST 2012

Hi Matt,

At Wed, 22 Aug 2012 15:06:42 -0700,
Matt Pietrek wrote:
> I then take down the play node and start it back up. Afterwards, I force
> everything to be synchronized by doing a management API 'get messages" with
> requeue=True. When this completes, everything shows up synched as expected.

This should not happen.  Messages are requeued at the original position in the
queue, see <http://www.rabbitmq.com/semantics.html>, and thus that has no effect
to the syncing of slaves.  Republishing would.

I tried to reproduce the problem following exactly what you did, with no
success.  Can you describe, in detail, your setup and the steps you're taking to
reproduce that?  The most convenient thing would be to automate the procedure in
a script.

Francesco * Often in error, never in doubt

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