[rabbitmq-discuss] Possible disconnected queue?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Aug 24 17:55:50 BST 2012


On 24/08/12 16:48, Austin Buckner wrote:
> # ls -ltaR
> /mnt/netapp12/rabbitmq_test/mnesia/rabbit\@diskrabbit01-test/queues/2PQ758A
> /mnt/netapp12/rabbitmq_test/mnesia/rabbit at diskrabbit01-test/queues/2PQ758AT
> total 20
> drwxr-xr-x 136 rabbitmq rabbitmq 16384 Aug 24 10:43 ..
> drwxr-xr-x   2 rabbitmq rabbitmq  4096 Aug 23 13:14 .
> Looks like the only difference between this dir and the rest is that its
> missing the journal.jif file

Curious. So one plausible sequence of events is this:

1. queue gets deleted
2. rabbit attempts a recursive queue deletion by...
2.1 getting the dir listing
2.2 deleting all the files
2.3 deleting the dir - bang! the dir still has files in it
3. some time later the remaining file(s) in the dir vanish

I wonder whether there is some peculiar filesystem issue here. Noting 
the /mnt prefix, are these dirs nfs mounted or on some other sort of 
network storage?

To get you going again, it may be sufficient to delete the dir manually; 
you might then be able to re-declare a queue with the same name.

But given that the fault occurred before, it's likely going to occur again.



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