[rabbitmq-discuss] Intermittent Problem - 2.8.5 java client hangs on declare exchange

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Aug 24 15:55:52 BST 2012


On 24/08/12 15:44, m.luchak at smartasking.com wrote:
> what in theory would happen if the server closed the AMQP
> connection {inet_error,etimedout} and the client was connecting?  In
> theory would this cause the client to hang?

It shouldn't, i.e. the client should see the socket close. etimedout is 
the kind of error that is indicative of network problems though, and in 
some cases these can take quite a while to be noticed by the parties. 
Configuring the clients to enable AMQP heartbeats is one way of 
addressing that problem.



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