[rabbitmq-discuss] Shovel stops receiving acks from cluster

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed Aug 22 14:52:07 BST 2012


On 22/08/12 14:17, Jon Bergli Heier wrote:
> Attached these as log files, rabbit1 is the destination and shovel is the source
> broker where the shovel lives. The direct connection doesn't seem to show up
> from the report command at all, but I can see it in the management interface.

There are a lot of connections from other rabbits to rabbit1, most of 
them from version 2.8.5, some from 2.8.1. There are a few 2.8.6 
connections. All but two of the connections have a timeout of 10s 
whereas your shovel config indicated that the heartbeat is 5 seconds.

So it looks like there is a lot more going on in your system then you 
have hitherto told us about.

I can see that there is one channel on rabbit1 with 1000 pending 
confirms, which is certainly odd.

Is there any chance you could trim this setup down to the bare 
essentials to help in tracking down the problem?

Also, which node did you bounce - rabbit1 or rabbit2?



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