[rabbitmq-discuss] When I declared mirrored queues using spring-rabbit API, one of them is sometimes failed.

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue Aug 14 12:20:48 BST 2012

On 14/08/12 08:54, Min Cha wrote:
> *Environment*
> 1. rabbit-mq 2.8.4(and java client 2.8.4), spring-amqp 1.1.0,
> spring-rabbit 1.1.0.
> 2. erlang RB15B01
> *Problem*
> 1. When I declared mirrored queues using spring-rabbit API, one of them
> is sometimes failed.
> 2. As a result, the failed queue(s) does not exist.
> 3. When I rerun my code without any changes, it is sometimes success.
> 4. Code for declaring the queues is as following.

> /for (Queue queue : queues) {/
> /  rabbitAdmin.deleteQueue(queue.getName());/
> /  rabbitAdmin.declareQueue(queue);/
> /}/

rapidly declaring and then deleting HA queues no longer crashes the master

So please upgrade to 2.8.5.



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