[rabbitmq-discuss] The RabbitMQ uses very much memory in the cluster pattern

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue Aug 14 05:12:56 BST 2012

On 14/08/12 03:40, Liu Hao wrote:
>       The destination queue's name is "mqclient_test_queue_1" and it is 
> on the cnbj-cuc-tst01-crl0015 node.
>       The rabbitmqctl report output of cnbj-cuc-tst01-crl0015 node is 
> "cnbj-cuc-tst01-crl0015" attachment, the other two are similar.

Ah, I completely forgot that 'report' reports on all nodes. Sorry.

There are about 1100 connections and 8400 channels. Are those the
numbers you expect to see?

How big are the messages?

Please run the following on crl0015 when it is using lots of memory:

rabbitmqctl eval 'begin {L, Pid} =
lists:last(lists:sort([{length(element(2, process_info(P, binary))), P}
|| P <- processes()])), {L, Pid, process_info(Pid)} end.'

(all on one line) and post the output.



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