[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ Monitoring

Lionel Cons lionel.cons at cern.ch
Mon Aug 13 12:29:44 BST 2012

David Gillies <dgillies at brandscreen.com> writes:
> I've used this script to monitor the number of messages in a queue in nagios just last week:
> http://bitkickers.blogspot.com.au/2011/07/checking-rabbitmq-queue-sizeage-with.html

Thanks for the pointer.

The monitoring information being mostly present, the main questions are:

Would it be possible to get an absolute counter rather than a rate and
let the monitoring application (Nagios, Graphite...) decide on how
frequently to probe the broker?

Would it be possible to get the number of received/sent messages by the
broker without enabling fine grain statistics that, according to the
doc, have a significant performance impact? After all, total numbers per
broker are not really fine grain ;-)



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