[rabbitmq-discuss] The RabbitMQ uses very much memory in the cluster pattern

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Mon Aug 13 08:21:04 BST 2012

On 13/08/12 02:53, Liu Hao wrote:
>        I am a RabbitMQ user in China. When we use in cluster pattern,
>   we have found a problem. The problem is that if we use many producers
> (such as fifty) to send messages to the same queue ceaselessly and the
> connection to the RabbitMQ cluster is not the server which the queue is
> , the memory increases very quickly. If we use less producers (such as
> five) or we use the connection to the server which the queue is, the
> memory is the normal. The consumers have enough power to consume the
> message. The version of RabbitMQ is 2.8.1.

Please post the output of 'rabbitmqctl report' for all three machines in 
your cluster at the time the memory threshold has been exceeded on the 
queue node.


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