[rabbitmq-discuss] Java Client Error handling: How to detect deleted queue

Till Hänisch haenisch at dhbw-heidenheim.de
Thu Aug 9 15:18:17 BST 2012


I wonder how a client program can find out if a queue got deleted (after the client connected). 
Neither the registered ReturnListener nor the ShutdownListener get's called (at least in my sample program).

Any help ?

Greetings Till Haenisch


Till Hänisch

imari - Zentrum für Innovative Marketingsysteme und Risikomanagement

Department of Business Information Systems

University of Cooperative Education Heidenheim
Duale Hochschule Baden Wuerttemberg - Heidenheim

haenisch at dhbw-heidenheim.de
Tel: (++49) 7321/2722-292

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