[rabbitmq-discuss] Typical physical setup questions

John Kemp superjodash at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 23:01:03 BST 2012


As I dig around the interwebs for information on setting up RabbitMQ in an 
enterprise scenario, I am having trouble understanding a few things.
Specifically, how do I set up the "bus" from a physical standpoint? Please 
assume the following scenario (for completeness, I'm also using MassTransit 
on top of RabbitMQ):

Server A - ecommerce web server
Server B - app server running order processing (reads from queue) - also 
assum RabbitMQ broker

* Should both Server A and Server B be running local instances of RabbitMQ?
- If Yes
* If yes, how do I get Server A RabbitMQ to talk with Server B RabbitMQ? - 
this may be a MassTransit quesion
* Can I set up both servers to persist to the same db instance?
- If NO
* If only Server B needs an instance, what happens if Server B goes down? 
Are all messages lost on Server A?
* How do you handle message loss?

Thank you for any insight. I have a solution working for Server A sending 
messages to Server B but I'm concerned about network outages or server 


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