[rabbitmq-discuss] Queue with x-expires not expires after timeout

Thiago Burgo Belo thiagoburgo at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 18:10:36 BST 2012


Has 2 consumers, but this is more strange, because I closed all connections
with Rabbit (.NEt Client) and the consumers are Idle since 2012-08-02
15:05:56, the consumers will never die?
Note 1:  I already turned off my computer (client) and the consumer keep
Note 1: I'm using a non default virtual host, something like /myVirtualHost

See the attachment.


Thiago Burgo

2012/8/2 Matthias Radestock <matthias at rabbitmq.com>

> On 02/08/12 20:58, Thiago Burgo Belo wrote:
>> My queue with x-expires not expires after timeout, the follow queue was
>> created and not accessed since (2012-08-02 14:00), and not expired until
>> now.
>> Parameters
>> x-ha-policy:    all
>> x-expires:      9000
>> arguments:
>> x-match:        any
>> durable:        true
>> Exclusive owner None Status Idle since
>> 2012-08-02 16:16:58
> Does the queue have a consumer? From http://www.rabbitmq.com/**
> extensions.html#queue-leases<http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#queue-leases>
> <quote>
> "Unused means the queue has no consumers, the queue has not been
> redeclared, and basic.get has not been invoked for a duration of at least
> the expiration period."
> </quote>
> Matthias.
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