[rabbitmq-discuss] Install a plugin in the broker

Félix jaaaelpumuki at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 08:20:40 BST 2012

Has anyone tried to put in production a plugin?

I'm trying to install this plugin 
https://github.com/flopezluis/rabbitmq-throttling-exchange in the broker, 
under Macosx and Rabbitmq 2.8.5. 

The plugin is working well in development with make run-in-broker,  in 
production   the plugin is activated well, but when you try to publish a 
message with the exchange, the message is lost. If you tried to publish the 
message through the web site you can see the following error 

I've tried another plugins like 
https://github.com/videlalvaro/rabbitmq-recent-history-exchange and even 
i've created a very simple one like:

But the result is always the same
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