[rabbitmq-discuss] .NET ssl_upgrade_failure

Mark Ward ward.mark at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 15:22:54 BST 2012


stunnel may not be a viable option for our deployment requirements.  I will 
continue to investigate my situation.  I am in the process of setting up 
rabbitmq on a linux box to see if I obtain different results.

I have tested {verify, verify_none} and things turned out a little 
different.  The .NET client continues to give the exception "None of the 
specified endpoints were reachable" but on the server side I see this in 
the log.

=INFO REPORT==== 2-Aug-2012::09:01:08 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.16578.0> ([FE80::9CF9:E6C8:AAA2:E95E]:60232 -> 

=WARNING REPORT==== 2-Aug-2012::09:01:08 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.16578.0> ([FE80::9CF9:E6C8:AAA2:E95E]:60232 -> 

The Java client continues to connect and transmit fine through the server.

The following is the packet trace of the connection attempt between the 
server and the .net client with verify, verify_none
No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     11 0.005181000    fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
TCP      82     60223 > https [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1440 

Frame 11: 82 bytes on wire (656 bits), 82 bytes captured (656 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_01:f7:d2 (00:0c:29:01:f7:d2), Dst: Vmware_c0:0f:28 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
(fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e), Dst: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 60223 (60223), Dst Port: https 
(443), Seq: 0, Len: 0

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     12 0.005238000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
TCP      82     https > 60223 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=8192 Len=0 

Frame 12: 82 bytes on wire (656 bits), 82 bytes captured (656 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 0, Ack: 1, Len: 0

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     13 0.005970000    fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
TCP      74     60223 > https [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=64800 Len=0

Frame 13: 74 bytes on wire (592 bits), 74 bytes captured (592 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_01:f7:d2 (00:0c:29:01:f7:d2), Dst: Vmware_c0:0f:28 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
(fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e), Dst: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 60223 (60223), Dst Port: https 
(443), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 0

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     14 0.047390000    fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
SSLv3    132    Client Hello

Frame 14: 132 bytes on wire (1056 bits), 132 bytes captured (1056 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_01:f7:d2 (00:0c:29:01:f7:d2), Dst: Vmware_c0:0f:28 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
(fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e), Dst: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 60223 (60223), Dst Port: https 
(443), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 58
Secure Sockets Layer
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Client Hello
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 53
        Handshake Protocol: Client Hello

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     15 0.048333000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
SSLv3    160    Server Hello

Frame 15: 160 bytes on wire (1280 bits), 160 bytes captured (1280 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 1, Ack: 59, Len: 86
Secure Sockets Layer
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Server Hello
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 81
        Handshake Protocol: Server Hello

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     16 0.048506000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
TCP      1514   [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]

Frame 16: 1514 bytes on wire (12112 bits), 1514 bytes captured (12112 bits) 
on interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 87, Ack: 59, Len: 1440

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     17 0.048511000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
SSLv3    112    Certificate

Frame 17: 112 bytes on wire (896 bits), 112 bytes captured (896 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 1527, Ack: 59, Len: 38
[2 Reassembled TCP Segments (1478 bytes): #16(1440), #17(38)]
Secure Sockets Layer
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Certificate
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 1473
        Handshake Protocol: Certificate

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     18 0.048541000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
SSLv3    83     Server Hello Done

Frame 18: 83 bytes on wire (664 bits), 83 bytes captured (664 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 1565, Ack: 59, Len: 9
Secure Sockets Layer
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Server Hello Done
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 4
        Handshake Protocol: Server Hello Done

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     19 0.048982000    fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
TCP      74     60223 > https [ACK] Seq=59 Ack=1574 Win=64800 Len=0

Frame 19: 74 bytes on wire (592 bits), 74 bytes captured (592 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_01:f7:d2 (00:0c:29:01:f7:d2), Dst: Vmware_c0:0f:28 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
(fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e), Dst: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 60223 (60223), Dst Port: https 
(443), Seq: 59, Ack: 1574, Len: 0

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     20 0.051362000    fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
SSLv3    410    Client Key Exchange, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted 
Handshake Message

Frame 20: 410 bytes on wire (3280 bits), 410 bytes captured (3280 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_01:f7:d2 (00:0c:29:01:f7:d2), Dst: Vmware_c0:0f:28 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
(fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e), Dst: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 60223 (60223), Dst Port: https 
(443), Seq: 59, Ack: 1574, Len: 336
Secure Sockets Layer
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Client Key Exchange
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 260
        Handshake Protocol: Client Key Exchange
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Change Cipher Spec Protocol: Change Cipher Spec
        Content Type: Change Cipher Spec (20)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 1
        Change Cipher Spec Message
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Encrypted Handshake Message
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 60
        Handshake Protocol: Encrypted Handshake Message

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     21 0.128285000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
SSLv3    80     Change Cipher Spec

Frame 21: 80 bytes on wire (640 bits), 80 bytes captured (640 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 1574, Ack: 395, Len: 6
Secure Sockets Layer
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Change Cipher Spec Protocol: Change Cipher Spec
        Content Type: Change Cipher Spec (20)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 1
        Change Cipher Spec Message

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     22 0.128335000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
SSLv3    139    Encrypted Handshake Message

Frame 22: 139 bytes on wire (1112 bits), 139 bytes captured (1112 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 1580, Ack: 395, Len: 65
Secure Sockets Layer
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Encrypted Handshake Message
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 60
        Handshake Protocol: Encrypted Handshake Message

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     23 0.131355000    fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
TCP      74     60223 > https [ACK] Seq=395 Ack=1645 Win=64729 Len=0

Frame 23: 74 bytes on wire (592 bits), 74 bytes captured (592 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_01:f7:d2 (00:0c:29:01:f7:d2), Dst: Vmware_c0:0f:28 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
(fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e), Dst: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 60223 (60223), Dst Port: https 
(443), Seq: 395, Ack: 1645, Len: 0

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     24 0.399464000    fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
TCP      74     60223 > https [FIN, ACK] Seq=395 Ack=1645 Win=64729 Len=0

Frame 24: 74 bytes on wire (592 bits), 74 bytes captured (592 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_01:f7:d2 (00:0c:29:01:f7:d2), Dst: Vmware_c0:0f:28 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
(fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e), Dst: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 60223 (60223), Dst Port: https 
(443), Seq: 395, Ack: 1645, Len: 0

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     25 0.399522000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
TCP      74     https > 60223 [ACK] Seq=1645 Ack=396 Win=64464 Len=0

Frame 25: 74 bytes on wire (592 bits), 74 bytes captured (592 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 1645, Ack: 396, Len: 0

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     26 0.432068000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
SSLv3    101    Encrypted Alert

Frame 26: 101 bytes on wire (808 bits), 101 bytes captured (808 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 1645, Ack: 396, Len: 27
Secure Sockets Layer
    SSLv3 Record Layer: Encrypted Alert
        Content Type: Alert (21)
        Version: SSL 3.0 (0x0300)
        Length: 22
        Alert Message: Encrypted Alert

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     27 0.432113000    fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
TCP      74     https > 60223 [FIN, ACK] Seq=1672 Ack=396 Win=64464 Len=0

Frame 27: 74 bytes on wire (592 bits), 74 bytes captured (592 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c0:0f:28 (00:0c:29:c0:0f:28), Dst: Vmware_01:f7:d2 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
(fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f), Dst: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: https (443), Dst Port: 60223 
(60223), Seq: 1672, Ack: 396, Len: 0

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol 
Length Info
     28 0.433512000    fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
TCP      74     60223 > https [RST, ACK] Seq=396 Ack=1672 Win=0 Len=0

Frame 28: 74 bytes on wire (592 bits), 74 bytes captured (592 bits) on 
interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_01:f7:d2 (00:0c:29:01:f7:d2), Dst: Vmware_c0:0f:28 
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e 
(fe80::9cf9:e6c8:aaa2:e95e), Dst: fe80::dc90:8492:edea:f29f 
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 60223 (60223), Dst Port: https 
(443), Seq: 396, Ack: 1672, Len: 0


On 31/07/12 14:24, Mark Ward wrote: 
> I have my server's configuration set to false for the 
> fail_if_no_peer_cert setting. 

You should also try setting {verify,verify_none}. 

And, as Emile suggested, you may want to experiment with stunnel. 

> A side note not all posts seem to make it into the google group but I 
> find the posts either in email or in nabble.com 

We have no control over the google group, unfortunately. 

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