[rabbitmq-discuss] high water mark

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Mon Apr 16 11:15:07 BST 2012

On 16/04/12 11:07, Emile Joubert wrote:
> Here is a correctly formatted version of your rabbitmq.config file:

>             {frame_max, [0]},

I just noticed that frame_max takes a numeric argument rather than a
list. This is detailed on the configuration page:
So the correct version of your rabbitmq.config file is this:

%< %< %< %< %< %< %< %< %< %< %<
  {rabbit, [{cluster_nodes, ['rabbit at xxx-1', 'rabbit at xxx-2']},
            {tcp_listeners, [5672]},
            {hipe_compile, true},
            {frame_max, 0},
            {vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.6}]}
%< %< %< %< %< %< %< %< %< %< %<

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