[rabbitmq-discuss] What to do when high watermark reached?

Marek Majkowski majek04 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 21:01:28 BST 2011

2011/9/27 François Beausoleil <francois at teksol.info>:
> Le mardi 27 septembre 2011 à 11:08, Marek Majkowski a écrit :
>> The easiest thing to do is to beef up your machine and give Rabbit
>> more RAM (adding a SSD drive may additionally help :P).
> Oops, I can give it more RAM, being on Rackspace, but SSDs are another matter.
> I ended up purging my queue, which enabled me to proceed. I'll use more connections in the future.
> If I dedicate a machine to RabbitMQ, can/should I change the HWM setting from 40%?

It all depends on your setup!

If you're using one fat queue - most of the memory Rabbit is using
will be consumed,
probably by this queue. Thus, the Erlang VM garbage collector will
need to collect
a lot of data at once.

For such setup, you need to have at least 50% free memory to allow GC to run
without hitting the swap.

That's the pessimistic case, and that's why the default is 40% (one
queue + twice
as much memory to allow the gc to run smoothly + 20% buffer).

On the other hand, if you're using multiple queues (and they have similar
usage pattern), you can probably increase the memory watermark -
Erlang VM is unlikely to reclaim all the memory that rabbit is using at once.
But it gets more risky :)

If the GC will hit the swap, Rabbit will slow down significantly. If the GC
will want to allocate more memory than is available in swap, it may
crash Erlang VM.


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