[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-ha-test setup

Alexis Richardson alexis at rabbitmq.com
Fri Sep 2 19:23:18 BST 2011


Are you saying that mirror-queue management should be exposed
differently?  If so it might be worth commenting on the thread this
week where Jason and Matthew and Michael talk about that.

That aside, I would urge you to write a round robin exchange ;-)


On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Brad Knowles <bknowles at ihiji.com> wrote:
> On Sep 2, 2011, at 1:11 PM, Alexis Richardson wrote:
>> The idea of a round robin exchange has come up several times.  There
>> are use cases for it and it would not (I am told..) be much work to
>> write a basic one.  But - do you need it for your case?  Why can't you
>> stripe by routing key?  And then use mirrored queues off the back of
>> that to make the partitions HA.
> The thing I don't like about what I've read so far about mirrored queues is that they have to be known by the software at creation time, which means that we need to embed into our code knowledge of our system infrastructure.  But as we scale up, that system infrastructure is going to change.  I don't want to have to go back and keep changing the code to match whatever the latest system infrastructure is.
> If I could just create a new mirrored fan-out exchange and then link that into an existing round-robin exchange (or something comparable), then as I bring up more machines I can make those infrastructure changes without our developers having to know any of the operational details of what our current configuration looks like at any point in time.
> --
> Brad Knowles <bknowles at ihiji.com>

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