[rabbitmq-discuss] Protecting a queue from other users

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Oct 28 00:24:46 BST 2011

On 27/10/11 23:32, Alexandru Scvorţov wrote:
> You should read:
>    http://www.rabbitmq.com/admin-guide.html#access-control
> In short, access to queues (and to a few other things) is controlled by
> three permission strings that each user has.  So, UserB can subscribe to
> QueueA, provided he guesses the queue's name correctly and that he has
> read access to broker-named queues.

note though that auto-generated queue names (i.e. ad returned by the 
server when the client leaves the queue name field empty in a queue 
declaration) are cryptographically quite strong, i.e. not guessable.


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