[rabbitmq-discuss] Query for Binding with similar topic routing keys returns all similar vs the one matching

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed Oct 12 12:21:49 BST 2011


On 11/10/11 14:15, Helena Edelson wrote:
> I found the user of the # character in the pattern of the binding,
> given the number and type of binding patterns between queues and
> exchanges, consistently returns multiple results vs the * character
> which Rabbit can return a singular match. So I had to write a work
> around :-)

So do you think there is something broken there in rabbit? Or perhaps 
less obvious than it could be? If so, an example of the form "I tried X 
and was expecting to see Y but instead got Z" would help to shed light 
on the problem.


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