[rabbitmq-discuss] Shovel Plugin For HA

James Carr james.r.carr at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 17:51:45 BST 2011

Hi All,

During my investigations for designing a completely fail safe messaging
scenario the ideal option was to have local brokers that shovel to a central
broker. That way if the central brokers ever went down messages would just
be queued locally for delivery later.

I finally got around to using the shovel plugin and while it had everything
I was looking for, there were some drawbacks (for me at least).  It seems
that whenever I want to create a queue that gets pushed to an exchange on
another server I have to edit the rabbitmq.config for this and then restart
the service. I'm just curious if there is a softer way to handle this that
allows for more dynamic forwarding (one feature I always liked about AMQP is
that client apps can define exchanges and queues rather than having an admin
set them up).

I'm also open to other possibilities for HA that handle when the main broker
cluster goes offline or is unreachable. :)

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