[rabbitmq-discuss] question on the RpcClient class

kane wtkane07 at gmail.com
Thu May 19 08:37:38 BST 2011

thanks for removing the question...

2011/5/19 Randall Richard <randall at trellisapp.com>

> I happened to have the source code handy for RpcClient.  Looks like the
> reply queue is set up via the setupReplyQueue() method below.
>     /**
>      * Creates a server-named exclusive autodelete queue to use for
>      * receiving replies to RPC requests.
>      * @throws IOException if an error is encountered
>      * @return the name of the reply queue
>      */
>     protected String setupReplyQueue() throws IOException {
>         return _channel.queueDeclare("", false, true, true,
> null).getQueue();
>     }
> *queueDeclare<http://www.rabbitmq.com/releases/rabbitmq-java-client/v2.4.1/rabbitmq-java-client-javadoc-2.4.1/com/rabbitmq/client/Channel.html#queueDeclare%28java.lang.String,+boolean,+boolean,+boolean,+java.util.Map%29>
> *(java.lang.String queue, boolean durable, boolean exclusive,
> boolean autoDelete,
> java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> arguments)
> So, it looks like it's declared with exclusivity as true.
> Regards,
> -Randall
> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 2:13 PM, kane <wtkane07 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a question regarding a class of the package com.rabbitmq.client
>> the calss in question is RpcClient and use as follows:
>>   RpcClient service = new RpcClient (channel, "", cost.request_queue);
>>   return = service.stringCall (message);
>> This calss I automatically generates a queue on which the client waits for
>> a response.
>> Let me know if this queue is exclusive?
>> I make this question because in the javadoc documentation of the class is
>> written as follows:
>> rpcclient public (the English Channel,
>>                     java.lang.String exchange,
>>                     java.lang.String routingKey)
>>              throws java.io.IOException
>>        Building a new rpcclient that communicate on the designated
>> channel, sending requests for data routing with the given key.
>>        Causes the creation of a temporary private queue autodelete.
>> ...
>> The last sentence says that creates a temporary queue, autodelete and here
>> we are, then says that the tail is private
>> I wonder if the word in the phrase "private" is intended to be exclusive
>> ...
>> may seem trivial but sometimes a word changes the meaning of a sentence
>> ... thanks!
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