[rabbitmq-discuss] Fault-tolerant subscriptions using the .NET client

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Tue Mar 29 15:02:42 BST 2011

Hi OJ,

On 25/03/11 20:35, OJ Reeves wrote:

> I am surprised to hear that the Dispose() method is called when the
> connection is broken yet subsequent calls to subscription.Next()
> continue to function and return 'true'. This seems a little
> counter-intuitive to me. I would expect that attempting to called Next()
> on a subscription that has been disposed would result in some kind of error.

That's not what I see. As soon as a connection error occurs, the 
subscription is disposed and calls to Next() return null. Perhaps 
Dispose() is not getting called in your case. One possible reason for 
that is an incorrectly trapped exception.



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