[rabbitmq-discuss] server crashes with very fast consumers

alex chen chen650 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 11 05:48:08 GMT 2011


I am testing rabbit server with SSD.  The broker process would crash when many 
consumers start to consume backed up messages.  Because SSD if very fast, the 
consuming rate reached more than 200 MB/sec.  After several minutes, the broker 
process would use all cpu resources (800% on 8 cores) and crash.

The setup is almost exactly the same as before:
The only difference is I am using SSD instead of regular hard disk this time.  
with regular hard disk, the consuming rate was around 30 MB/sec, so broker's cpu 
usage was not maxed out.

I tested both server 2.0.0 and 2.3.1, both crashed with SSD, but did not crash 
with regular hd.
I am wondering if anyone has done similar test with SSD?


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