[rabbitmq-discuss] Fine grain access control when using STOMP

Nite nitesh at wikinvest.com
Thu Mar 10 00:12:36 GMT 2011

I am trying to replace my ActiveMQ stomp server with RabbitMQ, but am having 
some trouble replicating the same level of access control that I get with 
ActiveMQ. For example, on ActiveMQ, I can specify:

<authorizationMap> <authorizationEntries> <authorizationEntry topic=">" 
write="admins" read="admins" admin="admins" /> <authorizationEntry topic=
"foo.>" write="foo" read="foo" admin="foo" /> </authorizationEntries> 

So admins have access to all topics, but the foo user has access to only the 
topics that begin with the words "foo.", e.g. foo.ping

On rabbitmq, the farthest I can go using rabbitmqctl is:

*./rabbitmqctl set_permissions  foo "amq\.gen.*|amq\.topic$" 
"amq\.gen.*|amq\.topic$" "amq\.gen.*|amq\.topic$"*

Which restricts the user "foo" to access only the topics exchange. How can I 
further restrict foo's access to topics that begin with foo. ?


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