[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ consumer stops receiving messages

Maxime Bouroumeau-Fuseau maxime.bouroumeau at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 10:57:35 BST 2011


I was using stormed-amqp 0.1 and rabbitmq 2.3.1.
I have updated to the latest master of stormed-amqp and to rabbitmq 2.5.1.

The problem persists but appears after more messages have been received.
You'll find attached report.txt which is with a consumer without ack and


Maxime Bouroumeau-Fuseau

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Matthias Radestock
<matthias at rabbitmq.com>wrote:

> Maxime,
> On 19/07/11 09:46, Maxime Bouroumeau-Fuseau wrote:
>> I have a serious problem with RabbitMQ. After a certain amount of
>> messages received, the consumers simply stop receiving messages.
>> They are still connected but they are not receiving messages anymore.
>> [...]
>> I have tried consuming messages without ack or with ack and a qos
>> prefetch count of 100 (as indicated in several responses to this kind of
>> problems).
>> When I do "rabbitmqctl list_queues name messages_ready
>> messages_unacknowledged", I have a lot of ready messages and the
>> "prefetch count" (100) value of unacknoledged messages when using ack.
> That indicates that, for whatever reason, the client is not accepting any
> more messages.
> What version of the RabbitMQ server are you running? If it's >= 2.5.0,
> please run 'rabbitmqctl report > server_report.txt' and send us the output.
> Preferably when it's stuck while consuming messages without acks, since that
> scenario has the fewest places to get stuck. If your server version is <
> 2.5.0 then please upgrade.
> Regards,
> Matthias.
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{error_logger,{{2011,7,19},{11,50,50}},"inet_parse:~p:~p: erroneous line, SKIPPED~n",["/etc/hosts",8]}

=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jul-2011::11:50:50 ===
inet_parse:"/etc/hosts":8: erroneous line, SKIPPED
Reporting server status on {{2011,7,19},{9,50,50}}

Status of node rabbit at ns353204 ...
                        {mnesia,"MNESIA  CXC 138 12","4.4.12"},
                        {os_mon,"CPO  CXC 138 46","2.2.4"},
                        {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.1.8"},
                        {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","1.16.4"},
                        {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.13.4"}]},
 {erlang_version,"Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:30] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]\n"},

Cluster status of node rabbit at ns353204 ...
[{nodes,[{disc,[rabbit at ns353204]}]},{running_nodes,[rabbit at ns353204]}]

Application environment of node rabbit at ns353204 ...

pid	address	port	peer_address	peer_port	ssl	peer_cert_subject	peer_cert_issuer	peer_cert_validity	auth_mechanism	ssl_protocol	ssl_key_exchange	ssl_cipher	ssl_hash	protocol	user	vhost	timeout	frame_max	client_properties	recv_oct	recv_cnt	send_oct	send_cnt	send_pend	state	channels
<rabbit at ns353204.3.428.0>	5672	42713	false				AMQPLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	0	65536	[{"client","stormed-amqp"}]	138	3	368	3	0	running	0
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1621.0>	5672	54223	false				AMQPLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	0	65536	[{"client","stormed-amqp"}]	305	8	1248829	2934	8432	running	1
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1145.0>	5672	47849	false				AMQPLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	0	65536	[{"client","stormed-amqp"}]	2167945	6497	384	4	0	running	1
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1721.0>	5672	54866	false				AMQPLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	0	65536	[{"client","stormed-amqp"}]	881066	2245	840093	2296	0	running	2

pid	connection	number	user	vhost	transactional	confirm	consumer_count	messages_unacknowledged	messages_unconfirmed	acks_uncommitted	prefetch_count	client_flow_blocked
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1148.0>	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1145.0>	1	guest	/	false	false	0	0	0	0	0	false
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1624.0>	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1621.0>	1	guest	/	false	false	1	0	0	0	0	false
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1724.0>	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1721.0>	1	guest	/	false	false	1	0	0	0	0	false
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1727.0>	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1721.0>	2	guest	/	false	false	0	0	0	0	0	false

Queues on /:
pid	name	durable	auto_delete	arguments	owner_pid	exclusive_consumer_pid	exclusive_consumer_tag	messages_ready	messages_unacknowledged	messages	consumers	memory	backing_queue_status
<rabbit at ns353204.3.295.0>	thot.tracker	true	false	[]				0	0	0	1	142896	[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,undefined,0,undefined}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {outstanding_txns,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {ram_index_count,0}, {next_seq_id,368}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]
<rabbit at ns353204.3.460.0>	thot.processor	true	false	[]				863	0	863	1	1801808	[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,undefined,0,undefined}}, {q3,0}, {q4,863}, {len,863}, {pending_acks,0}, {outstanding_txns,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,863}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {ram_index_count,0}, {next_seq_id,2067}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,14.365453956325828}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]

Exchanges on /:
name	type	durable	auto_delete	internal	arguments
amq.direct	direct	true	false	false	[]
thot	direct	true	false	false	[]
amq.topic	topic	true	false	false	[]
amq.rabbitmq.trace	topic	true	false	false	[]
amq.rabbitmq.log	topic	true	false	false	[]
amq.fanout	fanout	true	false	false	[]
amq.headers	headers	true	false	false	[]
	direct	true	false	false	[]
amq.match	headers	true	false	false	[]

Bindings on /:
source_name	source_kind	destination_name	destination_kind	routing_key	arguments
	exchange	thot.processor	queue	thot.processor	[]
	exchange	thot.tracker	queue	thot.tracker	[]
thot	exchange	thot.processor	queue	thot.processor	[]
thot	exchange	thot.tracker	queue	thot.tracker	[]

Consumers on /:
queue_name	channel_pid	consumer_tag	ack_required
thot.tracker	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1724.0>	amq.ctag-MrgQjPfwELAqNOvL4ONfXQ==	false
thot.processor	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1624.0>	amq.ctag-YbiqDaXfDod+eChM9ViPtQ==	false

Permissions on /:
user	configure	write	read
guest	.*	.*	.*

End of server status report
-------------- next part --------------
{error_logger,{{2011,7,19},{11,55,25}},"inet_parse:~p:~p: erroneous line, SKIPPED~n",["/etc/hosts",8]}

=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jul-2011::11:55:25 ===
inet_parse:"/etc/hosts":8: erroneous line, SKIPPED
Reporting server status on {{2011,7,19},{9,55,25}}

Status of node rabbit at ns353204 ...
                        {mnesia,"MNESIA  CXC 138 12","4.4.12"},
                        {os_mon,"CPO  CXC 138 46","2.2.4"},
                        {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.1.8"},
                        {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","1.16.4"},
                        {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.13.4"}]},
 {erlang_version,"Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:30] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]\n"},

Cluster status of node rabbit at ns353204 ...
[{nodes,[{disc,[rabbit at ns353204]}]},{running_nodes,[rabbit at ns353204]}]

Application environment of node rabbit at ns353204 ...

pid	address	port	peer_address	peer_port	ssl	peer_cert_subject	peer_cert_issuer	peer_cert_validity	auth_mechanism	ssl_protocol	ssl_key_exchange	ssl_cipher	ssl_hash	protocol	user	vhost	timeout	frame_max	client_properties	recv_oct	recv_cnt	send_oct	send_cnt	send_pend	state	channels
<rabbit at ns353204.3.2466.0>	5672	55538	false				AMQPLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	0	65536	[{"client","stormed-amqp"}]	23697	747	522926	1222	0	running	1
<rabbit at ns353204.3.428.0>	5672	42713	false				AMQPLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	0	65536	[{"client","stormed-amqp"}]	138	3	368	3	0	running	0
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1145.0>	5672	47849	false				AMQPLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	0	65536	[{"client","stormed-amqp"}]	3475460	10414	384	4	0	running	1
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1721.0>	5672	54866	false				AMQPLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	0	65536	[{"client","stormed-amqp"}]	2419305	6153	2306728	6274	0	running	2

pid	connection	number	user	vhost	transactional	confirm	consumer_count	messages_unacknowledged	messages_unconfirmed	acks_uncommitted	prefetch_count	client_flow_blocked
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1148.0>	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1145.0>	1	guest	/	false	false	0	0	0	0	0	false
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1724.0>	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1721.0>	1	guest	/	false	false	1	0	0	0	0	false
<rabbit at ns353204.3.1727.0>	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1721.0>	2	guest	/	false	false	0	0	0	0	0	false
<rabbit at ns353204.3.2469.0>	<rabbit at ns353204.3.2466.0>	1	guest	/	false	false	1	100	0	0	100	false

Queues on /:
pid	name	durable	auto_delete	arguments	owner_pid	exclusive_consumer_pid	exclusive_consumer_tag	messages_ready	messages_unacknowledged	messages	consumers	memory	backing_queue_status
<rabbit at ns353204.3.295.0>	thot.tracker	true	false	[]				0	0	0	1	142896	[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,undefined,0,undefined}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {outstanding_txns,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {ram_index_count,0}, {next_seq_id,368}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]
<rabbit at ns353204.3.460.0>	thot.processor	true	false	[]				530	100	630	1	1114112	[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,undefined,0,undefined}}, {q3,0}, {q4,530}, {len,530}, {pending_acks,100}, {outstanding_txns,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,530}, {ram_ack_count,100}, {ram_index_count,0}, {next_seq_id,4947}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,12.14102738766987}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]

Exchanges on /:
name	type	durable	auto_delete	internal	arguments
amq.direct	direct	true	false	false	[]
thot	direct	true	false	false	[]
amq.topic	topic	true	false	false	[]
amq.rabbitmq.trace	topic	true	false	false	[]
amq.rabbitmq.log	topic	true	false	false	[]
amq.fanout	fanout	true	false	false	[]
amq.headers	headers	true	false	false	[]
	direct	true	false	false	[]
amq.match	headers	true	false	false	[]

Bindings on /:
source_name	source_kind	destination_name	destination_kind	routing_key	arguments
	exchange	thot.processor	queue	thot.processor	[]
	exchange	thot.tracker	queue	thot.tracker	[]
thot	exchange	thot.processor	queue	thot.processor	[]
thot	exchange	thot.tracker	queue	thot.tracker	[]

Consumers on /:
queue_name	channel_pid	consumer_tag	ack_required
thot.tracker	<rabbit at ns353204.3.1724.0>	amq.ctag-MrgQjPfwELAqNOvL4ONfXQ==	false
thot.processor	<rabbit at ns353204.3.2469.0>	amq.ctag-7kDGEwDPOKGAVaXBbI+HzQ==	true

Permissions on /:
user	configure	write	read
guest	.*	.*	.*

End of server status report

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