[rabbitmq-discuss] Pika Question (publish and consume as fast as possible)

Josh Geisser josh at gebaschtel.ch
Mon Jul 18 14:39:27 BST 2011

Hi List

(with all the Pika relevant mails going around this list would be worth to have a dedicated pika list?)

Anyway, I want to write a little AMPQ Ping tool which should allow us to test various delivery patterns over a Rabbit Cluster.

For that I want to have the possibility to publish and consume as fast as possible, also kind of benchmarking the system.

I made some progress in getting into Pika and think I understand the idea of the TCP_Backpressure, but I find it a bit hard to implement it on the 'enduser' side. (I found the old idea of TX_ and TX_commit easier to prevent overflow...)

Long speech short, I ended up with using 'BlockingConnection' for publishing and 'SelectConnection' for consuming, otherwise i always ran into buffer-warnings and eventually crashes ....

Could someone provide me with a quick snipped that publish/consumes as fast as possible, the way you'd implement it?

Cheers & thanks a lot

(pika in my case latest git-version, Python 2.7.2)

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