[rabbitmq-discuss] Quick question: Writing to multiple queues

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 22:46:43 BST 2011

2011/7/10 Demiss Zike <habtdemis at gmail.com>

> My question is, is there a way in RabbitMQ to just subscribe to a queue? If
> so, can you give me a hint as to how I can build that into my subscribe
> method?

to subscribe to a queue your application needs to know name of the queue,
then simply use BasicConsume to register a consumer. Alternatively
applications can fetch messages as needed (BasicGet).

> My other question is, how can I keep the connection created by subscribe
> method to simply write messages to the exchange?

Sorry, I do not understand this question. Applications usually use the same
AMQP connection to both receive and publish messages (but possibly different
channels). Is this what you want to do?


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