[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ C library + Perl

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Tue Jan 18 16:26:41 GMT 2011

We have C and C++ code that needs to talk to RabbitMQ.  I have a few
questions about the C library.

I hope I have not missed something obvious, but Is there documentation for
librabbitmq, the C library found at http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-c/ ?

I've also been using the Net::RabbitMQ Perl module for some tests.  It's
lacking a number of features available with RabbitMQ (which Emile has helped
resolve). But, I'm a little unclear about the Perl module.  It seems to
included some version of the librabbitmq code -- for example amqp_api.c has
some similarities with librabbitmq:


Does the Perl module embed the needed librabbitmq code because the library's
API changes over time and would thus break?  I would think a more typical
approach would be for the Perl module to just link to librabbitmq so that
the Perl module and the library can be managed separately.

So, my question (besides about documentation) is if I needed to update the
Perl module for my use (to expose more features of RabbitMQ) would it be
better to remove the embedded library code and instead try and link to
librabbitmq installed separately?

My Perl XS and C skills are pretty rusty, so I suspect I'll need some
additional help.  If anyone is interested in helping with this please let me

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
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