[rabbitmq-discuss] Unable to get automatic clustering to work

Mark J. Reed markjreed at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 00:29:55 GMT 2011

OK, still can't seem to get this working reliably.

I was able to get a fresh install onto two servers to come up fine
clustered together.  Woot!

Tried to do the same thing with four servers and only the first one
comes up; the others complain about bad cookies in table definition.
If I'm interpreting the log output correctly (big if), each node
thinks it's in a cluster by itself; but they all have the same
rabbitmq_cluster.conf file listing all four nodes.  I purged the
rabbitmq-server install to make sure there wasn't any data lingering
around from a previous config, but it still doesn't work.  Sample
startup log below.  Any help appreciated.

Starting all nodes...
Starting node rabbit at rabbit2...

+---+   +---+
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   +---+   +-------+
|                   |
| RabbitMQ  +---+   |
|           |   |   |
|   v1.7.2  +---+   |
|                   |
AMQP 8-0
Copyright (C) 2007-2010 LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies
LLC., and Rabb
Licensed under the MPL.  See http://www.rabbitmq.com/

node          : rabbit at rabbit2
app descriptor:
home dir      : /var/lib/rabbitmq
cookie hash   : aEuWObzDves/lfh1+WJREQ==
log           : /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit.log
sasl log      : /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit-sasl.log
database dir  : /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit

starting internal event notification system                           ...done
starting logging server                                               ...done
starting database
...{"init ter
EXIT',{{case_clause,{error,{unable_to_join_cluster,['rabbit at slurps1q1','rabbit at slur
rabbit1','rabbit at rabbit2'],{merge_schema_failed,"Bad cookie in table
definition rab
it at rabbit2 = {cstruct,rabbit_queue,set,[rabbit at rabbit2],[],[],0,read_write,[],[],fa
ame,durable,auto_delete,arguments,pid],[],[],{{1294,952761,578464},rabbit at rabbit2},
bbit at rabbit1 = {cstruct,rabbit_queue,set,[rabbit at rabbit1],[],[],0,read_write,[],[],
[name,durable,auto_delete,arguments,pid],[],[],{{1294,952575,443189},rabbit at rabbit1

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