[rabbitmq-discuss] Permission on routing key

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Jan 7 15:08:22 GMT 2011


Michi Oshima wrote:
> Matthias Radestock-3 wrote:
>> You can't. But given that you know all the above, why don't you (the 
>> creator of the usertest user) create the queue and binding, so the user 
>> doesn't have to create anything?
> Suppose I want to delete the queue when the user disconnects.  And I want to
> handle abrupt/unexpected user disconnection (say the user application
> crashes) by deleting the queue.
> In this case, shouldn't the user process create the queue with autodelete
> set to true?  Isn't that the best way to quarantee queue deletion when the
> connection is terminated?

Actually you probably want exclusive=true. See my other post in this 
thread which addresses the issue of how we can still get the users to 
create/delete their own queues.


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