[rabbitmq-discuss] Permission on routing key

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Jan 7 14:33:06 GMT 2011


underattack7 wrote:
> Is it possible to allow a user to create and bind a queue to a topic 
> exchange with a specific routing key ?
> For example, I have :
> - virtual host:  host_test
> - user : usertest
> - exchange: exchangetest
> I would like the usertest to be able to create queues on exchangetest 
> but only with the routing key "toto.*.*"
>  From the documentation, I cannot see how to achieve such things.

You can't. But given that you know all the above, why don't you (the 
creator of the usertest user) create the queue and binding, so the user 
doesn't have to create anything?



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