[rabbitmq-discuss] Handling Undelivered messages in rabbitmq
Prashant Yadav
PRYD at mach.com
Thu Jan 6 09:15:10 GMT 2011
For one of the reuirement we need to keep track of queue depth and
successfully processed messages. The idea is to publish messages and get
a list of successful and failed messages. To simulate the requirement I
did the following
1) Publish the messages with Mandatory and Immediate flag sent
channel.basicPublish 'exchange' ,'rKey',true,false, props,"Hello
2) The consumer consumes even marked ( I have put numbers from
1..10 as marked value in header of each messages) and does not ACKS odd
numbered messages.
3) I have implemented setReturnListnere in the publisher to capture
undelivered messages.
While am able to get the number of unack messages via Rabbmitmqctl
list_queues messages_unacknowledged, somehow my handleBasicReturn method
does not gets called. Am in missing something.
Code snippets:
channel.setReturnListener(new ReturnListener() {
public void handleBasicReturn(int replyCode,
String replyText,
String exchange,
String routingKey,
AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
byte[] body)
throws IOException {
println "Debugging
println "The details of returned messages are ${replyText}
from ${exchange} with routingKey as ${routingKey} with properties"
println " queuename is ${dec.queue} and consumerCount is
${dec.consumerCount} messageCount is ${dec.messageCount}"
(1..10).each {
println "Sending file ${i}....."
def headers = new
headers.put "operatiion","scp"
headers.put "dest","joker.dk.mach.com"
headers.put "id", i
println headers
BasicProperties props = new
BasicProperties(null, null, headers, null, null, null, null, null,null,
null, null, null,null, null)
'exchange' ,'rKey',true,false, props,"Hello Worls".bytes
while (true) {
def delivery = consumer.nextDelivery()
def headers = delivery?.properties?.headers
def id = headers.get("id")
println "Received message:"
println " ${id.toString()}"
if( id % 2 == 0){
channel.basicAck delivery.envelope.deliveryTag, false
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