[rabbitmq-discuss] Creating Multiple Consumers bounded to same channel in different threads

Prashant prayadav at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 08:40:28 GMT 2011


I was trying to have a single controller module that set and spawns
multiple consumers ( as and when we need more consumers). Once I set
up the connection and channel I go about creating multiple consumers.
Once i start the Controller module I see either Consumer 1 created or
consumer 2 created and served .
i have ensured that consumer creation and serving goes in parallel i.e
basically having two threads for 2 consumers .

Now, I have read somewhere about rabbitmq single threaded model .Does
the above scenario is failing cause of it or its something else.
Can you guys throw in some pointerd to dynamically create and start
consumes ( I have consumers adding and leaving )


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