[rabbitmq-discuss] [ANN] RabbitMQ Grails Plugin version 0.3 released

Peter Ledbrook peter at cacoethes.co.uk
Mon Feb 7 10:59:36 GMT 2011


I'm pleased to announce that version 0.3 of the Grails RabbitMQ plugin
has been released. In summary, this version:

 * comes with Spring AMQP 1.0.0 M2;
 * has transaction support;
 * has support for pub/sub model;
 * allows you to configure exchanges and bindings in addition to queues;
 * allows applications to connect to any virtual host, not just '/';
 * and has the following Bug fixes:
     * GRAILSPLUGINS-2496 - Messages are now picked up when the
application starts [1]



[1] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRAILSPLUGINS-2496

Peter Ledbrook
Grails Advocate
SpringSource - A Division of VMware

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