[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ hangs, does not accept connections

Dmitri Minaev minaev at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 06:32:45 GMT 2011

Now, I have a hanging Rabbit available for the autopsy.

Running processes (ps ax|grep rabbit):

29699 ?        Ss     0:00 sh -c
RABBITMQ_PID_FILE=/var/run/rabbitmq/pid /usr/sbin/rabbitmq-server >
         /var/log/rabbitmq/startup_log 2>
29702 ?        S      0:00 /bin/sh /usr/sbin/rabbitmq-server
29708 ?        S      0:00 su rabbitmq -s /bin/sh -c
29710 ?        S      0:00 sh -c /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-server
29711 ?        Sl   4715:59 /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.4/bin/beam.smp -W
w -K true -A30 -P 1048576 -- -root /usr/lib/erlang -progname erl --
-home /var/lib/rabbitmq -- -noshell -noinput -sname rabbit at dbx
-setcookie riak -boot
/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit at dbx-plugins-expand/rabbit -config
/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq -kernel inet_default_connect_options
[{nodelay,true}] -rabbit tcp_listeners [{"",5672}] -sasl
errlog_type error -kernel error_logger
{file,"/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at dbx.log"} -sasl sasl_error_logger
{file,"/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at dbx-sasl.log"} -os_mon start_cpu_sup
true -os_mon start_disksup false -os_mon start_memsup false -mnesia
dir "/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit at dbx"

Network sockets are available:
$ sudo netstat -tunlp|grep beam
tcp        0      0  *
LISTEN      29711/beam.smp
tcp        0      0 *
LISTEN      29711/beam.smp

$ cat /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
[{rabbit, [{vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.7}]},
{rabbit, [{tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672}]}]}].

$ cat /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf

strace -p 29711 shows that the process is waiting in select():
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL

Last lines in rabbit at dbx.log:
=WARNING REPORT==== 22-Dec-2011::09:55:44 ===
exception on TCP connection <0.367.0> from x.x.x.26:43157

=INFO REPORT==== 22-Dec-2011::09:55:44 ===
closing TCP connection <0.367.0> from x.x.x..26:43157

=WARNING REPORT==== 22-Dec-2011::09:55:44 ===
exception on TCP connection <0.379.0> from x.x.x.26:43160

=INFO REPORT==== 22-Dec-2011::09:55:44 ===
closing TCP connection <0.379.0> from x.x.x.26:43160

=WARNING REPORT==== 22-Dec-2011::09:55:44 ===
exception on TCP connection <0.335.0> from x.x.x.26:43154

=INFO REPORT==== 22-Dec-2011::09:55:44 ===
closing TCP connection <0.335.0> from x.x.x.26:43154

=WARNING REPORT==== 22-Dec-2011::09:55:44 ===
exception on TCP connection <0.467.0> from x.x.x.26:43166

=INFO REPORT==== 22-Dec-2011::09:55:44 ===
closing TCP connection <0.467.0> from x.x.x.26:43166

PHP clients cannot connect to RabbitMQ. When I run my test Python
script which uses amqplib.client_0_8, it hangs on
amqp.Connection(host, "guest", "guest", ssl=False)

strace shows the following:

connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(5672),
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
fcntl(3, F_GETFL)                       = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(3, F_SETFL, O_RDWR)               = 0
sendto(3, "AMQP\1\1\t\1", 8, 0, NULL, 0) = 8
brk(0x1461000)                          = 0x1461000

Now, I try to connect to the RabbitMQ node using 'erl':
$ erl -sname 'rabbit at dbx'
{error_logger,{{2011,12,22},{10,26,33}},"Protocol: ~p: register error:
{error_logger,{{2011,12,22},{10,26,33}},supervisor_report,[{supervisor,{local,net_sup}},{errorContext,start_error},{reason,{'EXIT',nodistribution}},{offender,[{pid,undefined},{name,net_kernel},{mfa,{net_kernel,start_link,[['rabbit at dbx',shortnames]]}},{restart_type,permanent},{shutdown,2000},{child_type,worker}]}]}
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,kernel,{shutdown,{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}}}"}

Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller)

Is there any other information that might be useful?

On 13 December 2011 18:26, Dmitri Minaev <minaev at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the reply. Yes, TCP connection could be established, but
> not AMQP. We generally use PHP library, but I also tested RabbitMQ
> using Python amqplib. In both cases, the client side cannot get the
> connection.
> Besides the common information messages (starting/closing TCP
> connection), there's only one type of messages in the log files:
> =WARNING REPORT==== 13-Dec-2011::16:56:51 ===
> exception on TCP connection <0.14474.173> from x.x.x.x:xxx
> connection_closed_abruptly
> But then, again, these messages may be found even during normal
> operation, this is why I don't think they're relevant.
> On 13 December 2011 14:42, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com> wrote:
>> Hmm. I can't really say anything from your description - can you post the
>> logs somewhere? It's possible that your definition of "nothing unusual in
>> the logs" differs from mine.
>> And when you say that "the server refused attempts to connect", what exactly
>> do you mean. You say that a TCP connection *could* be established - so does
>> your client hang during AMQP handshaking? Disconnect? Something else?
>> Cheers, Simon
>> On 12/12/11 16:24, Dmitri Minaev wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We use RabbitMQ for about a year now. From time to time I upgraded it
>>> and switched from one server to another. About a month ago the last
>>> such transition took place. I installed new RabbitMQ (2.7) on a new
>>> server and our web application was reconfigured. Quite soon we faced
>>> new problems. After some days of stable work clients could not connect
>>> to RabbitMQ. I could list run rabbitmqctl, list queues, kill
>>> connections, but the server refused attempts to connect. That is, TCP
>>> socket was available and telnet could connect to port 5672, but the
>>> AMQP connection could not be established. There was nothing unusual in
>>> the logs. vm_memory_high_watermark is set to 0.7 and there's still
>>> plenty of free memory.
>>> After a couple of such failures I tried to downgrade to 2.6.1, but the
>>> problem remained. The last time I disabled IPv6, but today we hit the
>>> same trouble again.
>>> I think I must have done something wrong when setting up the
>>> environment, but what could that be?
>>> OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
>>> 16GB RAM.
>>> RabbitMQ 2.6.1
>>> Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) (package erlang-nox from Ubuntu repository)
>>> Client: php-amqplib
>> --
>> Simon MacMullen
>> RabbitMQ, VMware
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> --
> With best regards,
> Dmitri Minaev

With best regards,
Dmitri Minaev

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