[rabbitmq-discuss] Memory leak when using shovels?
hcoyote at ghostar.org
Tue Dec 20 16:42:22 GMT 2011
Are there any known memory leaks when using shovels with 2.6.1? We're
seeing a slow leak that grows over 6-8 days on a few instances of
rabbitmq that are using the shovel plugin and we're not exactly sure
why. I'm not sure if this is related to the memory leak we previously
reported a few weeks ago that was fixed in 2.7.1
These instances are handling between 5 and 7 million messages a day.
The shovel config (and rabbit config) we're using is:
[{sources, [{brokers,
[{exchange, <<"my-exchange">>},
{queue, <<"my-queue">>}]}
{destinations, [{brokers, [
[{exchange, <<"my-exchange">>},
{type, <<"direct">>},
[{exchange, <<"my-exchange">>},
{queue, <<"my-queue">>}]}
{queue, <<"my-queue">>},
{prefetch_count, 1000},
{ack_mode, on_confirm},
{publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, 2}]},
{publish_fields, [{exchange, <<"my-exchange">>},
{routing_key, <<"">>}]},
{reconnect_delay, 5}
I have the output of the following if it's helpful (though I won't
email it to the list; it's about 5M)
io:format("~p", [lists:reverse(lists:sort([{process_info(Pid, memory),
Pid, process_info(Pid)} || Pid <- processes()]))]).
Travis Campbell
travis at ghostar.org
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