[rabbitmq-discuss] Will AMQP 1.0 break current RabbitMQ api

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed Dec 14 14:43:08 GMT 2011

On 14/12/11 14:22, Cory Showers wrote:
> I am interested in using RabbitMQ as our messaging broker of choice. But
> I am a little concerend with the current AMQP specification. The ver
> RabbitMQ supports is 0.9.1. And since the new 1.0 specification has come
> out it seems to have changed quite a bit in terms of using the exchanges
> and bindings. When RabbitMQ eventually supports ver 1.0 will this break
> the current api?

You are right, 1.0 is a very different thing from 0-9-1.

It's not yet clear when (or indeed if) RabbitMQ will support AMQP 1.0. 
But even then we won't be removing 0-9-1 support for a *long* time I 
strongly suspect.

For example: We still support 0-8 because some clients still use it. 
This is despite the fact that 0-8 and 0-9-1 are conceptually very 
similar and really everyone ought to be able to move to 0-9-1.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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