[rabbitmq-discuss] Initial cluster set-up questoin

Simon Loewenthal/NL/Tele2 simon.loewenthal at tele2.com
Wed Dec 14 08:47:19 GMT 2011



	I have installed Rabbit & Erlang and followed these instruction
http://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html to set-up a two node cluster.
Both nodes are be started, but when node 2 attempts to join node 1 it

There are no firewalls between each other. Both are on the same vlan and
a /22 subnet.

O/S: RHEL 6.2  Fully patched from RHN.

Node 1:

# rabbitmq-server --detached
Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...
6 plugins activated:
* amqp_client-2.7.0
* mochiweb-1.3-rmq2.7.0-git
* rabbitmq_management-2.7.0
* rabbitmq_management_agent-2.7.0
* rabbitmq_mochiweb-2.7.0
* webmachine-1.7.0-rmq2.7.0-hg

** Found 0 name clashes in code paths

+---+   +---+
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   +---+   +-------+
|                   |
| RabbitMQ  +---+   |
|           |   |   |
|   v2.7.0  +---+   |
|                   |
AMQP 0-9-1 / 0-9 / 0-8
Copyright (C) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc.
Licensed under the MPL.  See http://www.rabbitmq.com/

node           : rabbit at iuu-app007
app descriptor :
home dir       : /var/lib/rabbitmq
config file(s) : (none)
cookie hash    : Fm+somLGFoQYy1H+2FUteQ==
log            : /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at iuu-app007.log
sasl log       : /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at iuu-app007-sasl.log
database dir   : /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit at iuu-app007
erlang version : 5.8.5

-- rabbit boot start
starting file handle cache server
starting worker pool
starting database
starting codec correctness check
-- external infrastructure ready
starting statistics event manager
starting logging server
starting plugin registry
starting auth mechanism amqplain
starting auth mechanism cr-demo
starting auth mechanism plain
starting exchange type direct
starting exchange type fanout
starting exchange type headers
starting exchange type topic
-- kernel ready
starting node monitor
starting cluster delegate
starting guid generator
starting alarm handler
starting memory monitor
-- core initialized
starting empty DB check
starting management agent
starting exchange, queue and binding recovery
starting mirror queue slave sup
starting adding mirrors to queues
-- message delivery logic ready
starting error log relay
starting networking
starting notify cluster nodes
starting direct_client

broker running

# rabbitmqctl cluster_status
Cluster status of node 'rabbit at iuu-app007' ...
[{nodes,[{disc,['rabbit at iuu-app007']}]},{running_nodes,['rabbit at iuu-app007']}]

Node 2:
# rabbitmq-server --detached
Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...
6 plugins activated:
* amqp_client-2.7.0
* mochiweb-1.3-rmq2.7.0-git
* rabbitmq_management-2.7.0
* rabbitmq_management_agent-2.7.0
* rabbitmq_mochiweb-2.7.0
* webmachine-1.7.0-rmq2.7.0-hg

** Found 0 name clashes in code paths
node           : rabbit at iuu-app008
app descriptor :
home dir       : /var/lib/rabbitmq
config file(s) : (none)
cookie hash    : VOYILJRa2vmMlRly95DYQw==
log            : /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at iuu-app008.log
sasl log       : /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at iuu-app008-sasl.log
database dir   : /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit at iuu-app008
erlang version : 5.8.5
broker running
Erlang has closed

# rabbitmqctl stop_app
Stopping node 'rabbit at iuu-app008' ...
[root at iuu-app008 ~]# rabbitmqctl reset
Resetting node 'rabbit at iuu-app008' ...

# rabbitmqctl cluster rabbit at iuu-app007
Clustering node 'rabbit at iuu-app008' with ['rabbit at iuu-app007'] ...
{no_running_cluster_nodes,['rabbit at iuu-app007'],['rabbit at iuu-app007']}

I have tried the command above with the FQDN and had the same error

Any ideas where I could look?


Simon Loewenthal/Tele2
GSM: +31 6 2000 5427

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