[rabbitmq-discuss] Question Regarding RabbitMQ Administration

misiti3780 joseph.misiti at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 15:13:37 GMT 2011

I am running RabbitMQ for doing a lot of asynchronous processing via
Django-Celery in a web app.
I have a couple questions regarding how to monitor this process:

The problem I am seeing is for some reason, my queues are getting
overloaded and then when I try
to purge the queues using rabbitmqadmin, it says it cannot connect. I
am trying to track down the problem
and it looks like there must be an upper bound to the number of
messages a broker can handle but I guess
what I am looking for is

why would rabbitmqadmin return a "cannot connect error"

what is the best way to monitor rabbitmq? rabbitmqctl + rabbitmqadmin
or something else
like munin.

can you provide any open-source examples of monitoring scripts if

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