[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ RPM and its dependencies

Peter Lemenkov lemenkov at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 15:49:59 BST 2011

2011/8/4 David Wragg <david at rabbitmq.com>:
> Massimo Paladin <Massimo.Paladin at cern.ch> writes:
>> RabbitMQ RPM requires erlang which is provided by a lot of
>> sub-packages.
> The Fedora/EPEL erlang RPM only got separated up into many packages
> relatively recently (about a year ago, I think).  So depending on the
> sub-packages would limit which releases of distributions our RPM will
> work on.
> So, in order to support a wide range of distributions, our RPM still
> depends simply on "erlang".
> I expect we will reconsider this one day, but it is probably still too
> early today.

I already wrote semi-automatically working bunch of scripts (with
hardcoded paths and variables and other ugly stuff like that) to
manage issues like these (automatic Erlang dependency extraction). We
(I and one brave intern from Erlang Solutions, Michał Nieć) planned to
finish this task during GSoC but, unfortunately, we didn't get chosen.
Anyway I plan to return to this task as soon as I find free time, so
stay tuned.

As for RabbitMQ, I'll take a look - perhaps I could slim dependency
chain manually (with these semi-automatically working scripts
mentioned above).

BTW where is Hubert Plociniczak? Is he still around? I'm afraid that
he was offended by the angry mob after unsuccessful RabbitMQ 2.1

With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.

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