[rabbitmq-discuss] Message Aggregating Queue

Jason Zaugg jzaugg at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 13:54:58 BST 2011

Thanks for the great ideas and discussion so far!

Another requirement I should make explicit: we have a single consumer
reading the stream of price updates for all stocks; and it should
process them the order. That is, we don't want to 'UBS' to move to the
back of the queue if it updates before the previous message is
processed. So a data structure like as LinkedHashMap would be needed
for the custom queue proposed by Alvaro.

The Last Value Caching Exchange seems to solve a slightly different
problem (although one that we also have!). If I understand it, a queue
attached to the LVC exchange would receive *every* newly delivered
message, regardless of how fast it is able to process them. In
addition, as soon as the queue is bound the the exchange, it would
receive the last value for each routing key.


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