[rabbitmq-discuss] Drawbacks and advantages of "autoack" mode?

Alfonso Pantoja alfonso.pantoja at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 00:10:09 BST 2011

On 14 abr, 11:57, Simon MacMullen <si... at rabbitmq.com> wrote:
> The point of explicit ack-ing is not to prove that the message traversed
> the network successfully. TCP does that for us. It's to prove that the
> consuming application has taken responsibility for the message without
> crashing - that it's made it into a database or a file, decided it can
> safely ignore it, forwarded it to another system, whatever.
> That's why it has to be an explicit step - only the consuming
> application actually knows what constitutes accepting the message.

Reading your responses I'm wondering if
a queue consumed by  a client  using explicit-acking could contain
messages that had been requeued (i meant messages with Delivered flag
set to true)?
If yes, under which circumstances?



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