[rabbitmq-discuss] Others Queue on Wating when there is Exception while getting a Queue on single channel

sagar sagar131 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 13:25:38 BST 2011

I am using RabbitMQ Server 2.3.1 .
There are 5-6 queues in one channel.
The Queue consists of java beans.
And there are same number of scala actors which are cosuming a
particular queue.
All these actors try to get queue message through common Queue manager
which handle rabbitmq connection and channel.
there is only one connection and channel in this Queue manager.
Yesterday i do some changes in only one bean.
when i start consuming the messages it Gives me Exception  "local
class incompatible".
I know this error should come but the fact is other actors goes into
wating state even if there are messges in Other Queues.
Is it good practice to bind 4-5 queue to a single channel.
Or is this a bug when a exception occurs in a channel with 4-5 queue
bindings when one Queue object gets cast Exception.
can anybody help me plz!.

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