[rabbitmq-discuss] Thoughts from a new user

David Wragg david at rabbitmq.com
Thu Sep 23 13:22:54 BST 2010

Adam Nelson <adam at varud.com> writes:
>  * Please don't tell Mac users to use MacPorts:
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/macports.html It's time to move them to HomeBrew at
> http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew

I'm not a frequent OS X user.  I do have some experience with macports,
but it's been mixed.  So I like to think I have a fairly objective view
on the macports vs. homebrew thing (that being, they are both vastly
inferior to current Linux package systems :-)

So with that said:

I think we'd be happy to endorse homebrew alongside or instead of
macports, *if* it achieves parity with the rabbitmq-server port, and the
rabbitmq-server packages on Linuxes.  That means:

- The formula should be called rabbitmq-server

- It should create and use a rabbitmq user/group, and include the
  wrapper scripts to support this.

- It should have some way to run as an automatically started daemon.

- It should include the man pages (on-line documentation is great, man
  pages are too, we have both, and we want the man pages to be provided
  with the packages).

- We need to have a way to distribute an update package when we make a
  new release, for users that are willing to bypass the central

We've made all this work for macports; it's unlikely we are going to
repeat that effort for homebrew (unless macports dies or something).

But if someone in the community wants to work on getting the homebrew
formula into the same shape, that would be great.  We could work with
them to integrate it into our build/release process.


David Wragg
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
SpringSource, a division of VMware

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