[rabbitmq-discuss] plugin warnings on startup for 2.1.1

Shane shane at digitalsanctum.com
Tue Oct 19 21:11:05 BST 2010

I just installed 2.1.1 with the management plugin and I'm getting the
following warnings:

Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...
*WARNING* Undefined function fdsrv:bind_socket/2
*WARNING* Undefined function fdsrv:start/0
*WARNING* Undefined function fdsrv:stop/0
*WARNING* Undefined function webmachine_resource:start_link/2
5 plugins activated:
* amqp_client-2.1.1
* mochiweb-1.3
* rabbit_management-2.1.1
* rabbit_mochiweb-2.1.1
* webmachine-1.7.0

I'm using Erlang R13B04 on Windows XP.

The broker can process messages but I'm not getting any message rates
numbers on the management overview page.

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